Wholistic Medical Centre

Wholistic Medical Centre

Practitioners at this location

Rebecca Bau


AHPRA Registered Acupuncturist & Herbalist BHSc.TCM (Aust), C.TJM (Japan), M.LQ (Aust/China) Rebecca is a University Qualified Doctor of TCM, her health practice integrates the foundations of eastern medicine across a broad scope of western medicine with Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Lohan Qigong to optimise well-being. Her consultations are holistic, providing benefit on many levels with constitutional, holistic, site specific, cosmetic, neuro acupuncture and fine tuned Japanese moxibustion skill for relaxing and rejuvenating clinical effects. Committed to sharing what eastern medicine practices has to offer, her study in Australia and abroad in China, Hong Kong and Japan over the past 17 years has focused on fertility, gynaecological, gastrointestinal, dermatological, neurological and musculo-skeletal health and in living and ageing well. She has been a part of many amazing stories engaged in integrative health clinics, women's health clinics for fertility & pregnancy care and herbal medicine clinics. Rebecca is an experienced, approachable and down-to-earth practitioner, who works collaboratively to empower you with eastern medicine lifestyle advice specific to your health - so you can reach your optimal well-being.
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