Ros Bongiorno

Ros Bongiorno

Practitioners at this location

Ms Ros Bongiorno


Phone02 8091 4225(Work)
Ros is a Dietitian (APD) and functional nutiritonist that empowers her clients to rebuild their health with a food is medicine approach. Her passion is to help her clients make the changes in their lives which will support them to regain their health on the inside as well as the outside. Her approach involves nutritional planning and creation of a long term sustainable food practices. She is also a Certified Health & Life Coach and an Emotional Freedoms Techniques Coach. By using tools such as EFT and coaching skills she helps her clients to say goodbye to long standing relationship with food issues such as cravings and stress eating and more. As a certified coach she is skilled in helping her clients set step by step goals that they can achieve and build upon and grow their confidence and self care skills.