Haan Health Medical Centre

Haan Health Medical Centre

Practitioners at this location

Miss Casey Conroy


Phone07 5531 6033(Landline)
Casey Conroy, APD/AN, holds a Masters in Nutrition and Dietetics and is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, Accredited Nutritionist, naturopath in-training, Level 2 Yoga Teacher and Certified AcroYoga® Teacher. She has extensive training in integrative and functional medicine, detoxification, intuitive/attuned eating, “non-dieting” approaches (including Health at Every Size® and mindful eating), food intolerances and plant-based nutrition. Casey also offers more broadly focused yoga and AcroYoga for clients wanting to look beyond their nutrition or clients who wish to learn to love movement again! As a forward-thinking dietitian interested in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), Casey's health consulting service is highly intuitive, integrative and evidence-based.