Ashley Haysom Occupational Therapist

All About Kids - StrathpineStrathpine Clinic, 6 Mecklem Street, Strathpine, Queensland, 4500
clinic location


Phone07 3142 3085(Landline)Phone07 3041 0470(Fax)
All About Kids - Strathpine Strathpine Clinic, 6 Mecklem Street, Strathpine, Queensland, 4500
Map for Strathpine Clinic, 6 Mecklem Street, Strathpine, Queensland, 4500


Ashley is a qualified Occupational Therapist who graduated from James Cook University in Townsville. Ashley’s passion for working with children originated from working with children and in healthcare at a young age. She is driven and passionate about providing family centred care for children and their families as she believes it is important for children to choose activities that are meaningful to them. Ashley has had experience with groups and has evolved her skills through assistant therapy and is looking forward to pursuing specialisation areas in ASD, developmental delays and sensory processing differences.

Qualifications and Experience


  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy

Working Hours

This Week

Monday:8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday:8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Specialisation and Services

Patient Focus

  • Children
  • Teenagers


  • Group Sessions
  • Mobile service
  • Online consultations
  • School Visits